Sunday, November 13, 2016

Blog 9: Darkest Fear #43564: No One Really Cares

Reactions to “analysis”

            Trying to understand someone art take a great amount of compassion and care from the one who is doing the analysis. While that compassion can quickly disappear, leaving a rant that rips apart someone’s expression for what it does and does not do. The amount of care that was involved writing it will still exist. With interpretation being rooted in opinion we must take comfort in that we cannot not please everyone. But the process they use to go about their argument positive or negative is vital for grow of art as a whole.

Reactions to “Criticism”

            Criticism, such a crisp word to instill fear into so many young artists. Acceptance to the idea that any criticism is helpful is what allows you to define yourself as an artist. This of course discounts my drunken uncle who’s drunkly critics during drunk Christmas carols, which leave you with an impairment of mental stability from the ludicrous criticisms stemming from said from uncle. Also, I don’t have an uncle….but if I did, I wouldn’t take him to heart. But as a society we need criticism, not only for the artists but also for quality control. If everyone stopped caring about refining their art because they knew no one was going to talk about it, the decay of the level of refinement would slowly deteriorate. Hopefully that never happens…

Reactions to “Music criticism has degenerated into lifestyle reporting”

            At this point in the blog, screaming profane language would seem ideal. But to avoid criticism on being vulgar, even those after reading this article it wouldn’t seem to matter; I won’t.  Why do we focus on shock value? Most reviews or critics have this crazy love affair with words that sound good and mean nothing. This is mainly from the fact they rarely define anything with how. Luckily enough for the marketing machine that is capitalism, we have moved the relationship with art to be more focused on the lifestyle of the artist. Why? Because those who are not majoring in music, is far more relatable to read about then what was the form, lack lustering chord progression, and production quality. This could be from people caring about the glamor of a music artist and this surely wouldn’t have any parallels with film critics…

Reactions to “Please, critics write about the filmmaking”

            I’m starting to feel like money has ruined everything great about art. Or that people are so rooted in their routine of information that the quality control of what people write about in terms of critics has never really been rallied for. I don’t think theirs an outcry from the people in regards to this topic. If anything it could be why so many people are against reading critics reviews for them not believing in their opinion. I personally think if you care about critics’ thoughts, you should refine which critics you actually engage with. If you only enjoy zinger words like “elegant, edgy, refreshing, or defining” with no recount on how or why, then you will find no trouble in engaging with a variety of critics. I think we should ask from them. That being said, it shouldn’t be too intellectual that it would alienate everyone. Maybe educational reform is needed…..more then I already thought.

Reactions to “Devaluation of music: It’s worse than you think”

Dear god, I know I don’t ask for much, and recently I feel that you might owe us one after this last week. But how have we fallen to astray. Could this be the greater ripple effect from cutting so many art programs from schools? Could this be from the entertainment companies’ understand of marketing? Could this be from the amount of hours the average American works and the time in which they have to care about this issue being so small that it is a never-ending cycle from hell? Simply, more likely….yes. I feel like this harks on the power of social identification and esthetic. What one might gravitate to could involve so many different social conditions that bring them to the acceptance toward enjoy and not questioning their choice. Could be they simply don’t care, “its music” and or they found a camp, enjoy their camp, and simply don’t enjoy change. Could be the identification with a lifestyle they wish they had, letting the song be an escape from how they see themselves. Could be, that a song or artist, esthetically supports ideals they have trouble expressing themselves, and everything else becomes accepted as ideal personality shifts towards their social identification. Regardless of why types of music are accepted as gospel pillar of art’s creation, I hope that the level of message and analysis of their (future art) continues to work hard to strive away complacency.   

1 comment:

  1. I thought it was hilarious you compared criticism to a drunk uncle, I too have drunk family members that try to tell me how to play my instrument.
